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How is data and message security ensured in e-business?

The data and message security ensured in e-business via:

  • Encryption: This technology deploys a public key and a private key infrastructure to ensure security. The public key can be distributed but the private key remains only with the user and the service provider. So, it works just like the username and password system of your e-mail account.
  • Digital signatures: This technology requires a recipient’s password to decode the encrypted data. The sender’s authentication gets confirmed through a digital certificate, issued by credible authorities such as Verisign and Thawte.
  • Secure socket layers (SSL): This process involves both public key and digital certificate technologies to ensure privacy and authentication. To initiate the process, a client asks for authentication from the server, which is done through a digital certificate. Then, both the client and server design session keys for data transfer. The session will expire following any modification or prolonged period of inactivity.
  • Firewalls: This includes both software and hardware that protects the network against hackers and viruses. Installing premium quality anti-virus programs and spyware helps to fortify e-commerce protection from malicious threats.
  • Access control: Restricting user access to information on the site is an effective way to control the site’s security. Researches show that most e-commerce malfunctions occur due to users’ ignorance. Access control measures can include:
    • Restrictions on the use of CDs/DVDs or USB storage devices in the company.
    • Limit over opening of personal accounts, such as Gmail, Yahoo or MSN, through official network.
    • Network restrictions to regulate access to external network or system resources.
    • Application control to restrict entry into sensitive environment.
  • Detection programs: These programs monitor network operations for any suspicious activity. They will generate an alert if a potential attack is suspected.
  • Revising for new threats: Business enterprises must constantly update e-commerce security plans to remain protected from new threats.


  1. You have listed all the main and popular form of securing information. I am familiar with only one or two methods mentioned above. Thank you for this informed article, I will search for more information about each one of them.
    digital signature FAQ


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